We realize your

Digital Roadmap

We create awesome and unique Digital applications.  We use the latest digital tools and programs to give you the most cost-effective solutions for your business. Try us...


What can we do for you?

Increase your Sales via Digitalization

"If you do the same things you are doing every day you will get the same results" This is so true-- If you need to bring about change via digitalization lets do it together. We will do a short case study and propose what you can do to increase your Marketing and Sales via digitalization. Now a  days buzz words like "Data driven sales" "Customer Incites" "Digital Customer experience" are all realistic in todays business world. 

Its important to increase your marketing and sales reach via various digital channnels and applications we have both internal to the organization and for your external customers.

Seemless Customer Experience

As they say  "your customer is always right" - Its important to give your customer the best experience this may be via digital apps, track and trace, customer response and speed, after sales service, product support, simplicity and speed. With our solutions you will be able to achieve that and more contat us.

Improve Internal efficiency, speed and quality

 Using new technology like Robotics, low code no code, Power applications, Artificial intelligence, Business Process management tools, Business Intelligence and Analytics you can improve internal office, plant or operational efficiency of upto 30%. Contact us to learn more how you can do this 

Costs Quality and Speed

Today business world its all about benefits and value. We support you to put easy and simple solutions at fraction of the cost! How we do this? We have "Digital templates" that we use so our initial developement costs are already spread between our  customers you will see a huge difference with what we propose in terms of Costs, speed and quality. In a short Summary we provide low costs, deliver solutions quickly and in very high quality.

Our Products

We have a large range of Products 

Lagacy Applications

Change legacy applications - Naeume specializes in modernizing out of lifecycle applications. There is always a fear of Business dusription and acceptance of change this is part of  human behaviour. Never the less a bold step must be taken and with our experience new applications create easier and better working envirnments and increase operational efficiency. Contact us to discuss how we can support you to achieve these goals in your company.

Software as a Service

SaaS can be used in any organization big and small, main advantages is low cost, pay per use, 24 Hours availability, scalability and no local infrastructure costs. Check out our SaaS solutions page under Products. We also customize solutions for you

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Data Visualisation

Data visualization tools are available in plenty. What is special is how its visualized and what can you get out of visualization of data. The answer to that is all in one page for senior management to make decisions on. Further details can be further drilled down.

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Increase your sales

We have many Use Case practices where Sales can be driven in an uptrend. We suggest many such digital techniques to Improve sales figures after a brief study is done.

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Digitalize Business Process

We help you fine tune and eliminate repetitive manual processes using lean Six Sigma process we analyze in a continuous improvement process methodology . Business Processes are evaluated to save cost and improve productivity and efficiency

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E-commerce backend

What we specialize in is customized e-commerce platforms like distributor, dealer, end user backend platforms. Naeume specializes in connectivity of e-commerce platforms customization according to the business models.

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Internet of Things

IOT integrations of digital devices with digital application devices can be setup at the workplace or in a production plant we can customize and build what is required.

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Data Driven Analytics

There is data all around us, how can we make data work for us? Data driven analytics can help us get insights into our business. Increase sales, efficiency, production, forecasting and predictive maintenance as one of the few benefits

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Digital IT Service Desk

Service is extremely important. Naeume specializes in complete service desk setup with KPI's, complaint and escalation handling process, have expertise in achieving 95% customer satisfaction with ITIL process setup and operations.

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Robotic Process Automation

RPA for reducing human activity, automation of processes, data migrations, middle ware and connections between different applicationscontact us now!

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Our Ambassador Program

Be our Ambassador and earn an extra income. Find out more here and join us in the digital revolution

Need a trustworthy Partner?

If its a project big or small, we will support you to be the front facing face. Sometimes you can run your projects yourself but need backend services like administration and Finance we can provide all the structure so you can use our facilities to realize your goal. Speak to us in confidence about your requirments and we can work together.

Ever thought of owning a digital company?

Now you can we can support you to set up a digital company from scratch, we handhold you till you are ready call our business Director to find out more.

Talk to us or fill out the contact form


Work with us in a Digital company be part of Digitalization

In Naeume we are always looking for digital talents. If you like Sales or Marketing or Application development in any Digital area tell us about your specialty, we will invite you for an Interview! If you can wow us join us.

Write to us below

    Let’s get a step further, do you have a wow idea which you see humans can use to better our life? Send us a note below we will connect with you if it has the wow factor. Write us below in a few lines why you think you can wow us.
